P.S. Your Well-being is the Agenda.

Hi, I’m Chrystal. A champion of people, a dreamer, entrepreneur, systems thinker.

My aspiration is being a global facilitator of good.

I work with individuals and teams on the precipice of making a big play.

Spoiler: Big Plays = Big Change.


Your personal leadership, the strength of your teams, and the quality of internal communications make all the difference to getting over the finish line out of breath, depleted with nothing left to give - OR - with the energy, creativity and perspective needed to enjoy this new stage.

I’ve been preparing to partner with you towards your success for years.

A selection of my training and certification includes:

  • e-Co Leadership Executive Coaching, The George Washington University

  • Professional Certified Coach, International Coach Federation

  • Certified Culture Transformation Consultant, Barrett Values Center

  • Dreaming & Imagery Practitioner, International Institute of Dreaming and Imagery

  • Systems and Team Coaching, CRR Global

  • Leadership Embodiment, Level I

  • Leading from The Future, The Presencing Institute, MIT

  • Masters of Public Administration, The George Bush School of Government and Public Service

  • Leadership & Management Graduate Certificate, The George Bush School of Government and Public Service

  • Bachelor of Science, of Communication, The University of Utah

You don’t have to go it alone.


Growth is Happening Now

How would your life and work improve if you had a greater capacity to lead and live with clarity and a sense of well-being even amid frequent change?

What if your ability to expand rather than contract in the face of uncertainty was increased even a fraction?

Across sectors, the need for a whole person, whole system, whole of leadership approach is increasing.

It requires courage, patience, and commitment to step into a life of leadership and service. And then, inevitably, change comes. The impact of that change depends on your capacity to lead, live, and learn from a place of possibility and potential. The good news is that this skill and capacity is one you can develop.

It’s time to release patterns keeping you stuck. That’s what we’re here for.

Let’s partner and make your next stage of growth more rewarding than ever.


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